Ashaway Elementary School Clinic
Clinic Contact Information
Nurse: Victoria Morrone
Direct Phone: 401.315.2889
Fax: 401.633.6208
Email: [email protected]
Not sure whether to send your child to school or not? When in doubt...
Chariho Regional School District Medication Protocol
Below is the school policy regarding medications in school, both OTC and prescription. PLEASE DO NOT send any type of medication to school with your child. If a student brings a medication to school, it will be removed from the student's possession and placed in the locked medication cabinet until a parent is able to retrieve it.
- Except in the case of an emergency situation, only certified school nurse-teachers or parents are authorized to dispense medication to students within the school building.
- In no instance can a parent or legal guardian delegate to another person - neighbor, relative, or a friend - the authority to come into the school to administer medication.
- No student is allowed to transport medication to and from school. This includes prescription and non-prescription medicines such as; cough syrup, cough drops, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. All medications must be transported to and from school by the parent or another adult.
- Prescription and non-prescription medication will be dispensed by the school nurse-teacher only when: a) received by the school nurse-teacher in the original labeled container from the pharmacy, b) requested in writing by the attending physician, and c) authorized, in writing, by the parent or legal guardian of the student.
- Inhalers, epinephrine auto-injectors (Epipens), and/or insulin may be self-carried and self-administered with written authorization from the parent, physician and certified school nurse teacher.
- Regarding field trips: Epipens, inhalers, and insulin may be carried by the teacher or designated adult unless written authorization from a physician and parent states otherwise. A teacher or designated adult will carry other prescription medications after being dispensed by a school nurse-teacher into a properly labeled container. When a medication is due, the student will self-administer these medications with adult supervision. If the student is unable to self-administer the medication, the teacher or designated adult may administer.
- In an emergency life-threatening situation, all school personnel are authorized to administer medication.
Prescription Medication Form - if you need for me to give any medication to your child that is not one of the over-the-counters that you’ve given permission for me to give, I will need this form completed and signed by their provider, and the prescription bottle of medication for your child.
Asthma Action Plan- for any student with an Asthma diagnosis
Vaccine Exemption Form (Medical) and Vaccine Exemption Form (Religious) annually, for any student who is exempt from any vaccinations
Food Allergy Plan - for any child who has a serious food allergy